Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A waste of time plan

Big piece of paper
and just about any other thing you use to help draw diagrams.
A big table helps

So while I'm at work today, I happen to notice a golden window of slacking off. Due to lunches and where the staff were positioned in the store left me unsupervised. For 4 hours.... Of course I had this figured out befor 9:30am, spent then till 11:30am (window of slack opens) figuring out that there was nothing worth doing that I hadn't pulled off befor... Depressing to say the least. I was doing my job while thinking, despite what some think i can walk and chew gum.... January sucks for retail..... Not even a customer to distract ya from boredom.... and then it's Country music because the boss is out of town.... *shudder*
Now I'm a fan of music in general. I'll give anything a shot, but old country.... really old country... Put on for the sole fact of I might not know it.... is a bur in the saddle
I came up with about 5 ways to knock out the music for half the store...

Right so you got your materials? darn well better.... Now use your thinking caps and think of something from out side the sandbox... and I don't mean the round-about... just try to approach a common thing differently... it can help if you have a bunch of odds and ends around to fiddle and work out the idea, I like to keep an etch-a-skecth, yo-yo and Lego when trying for new ideas.
Now draw the idea as simply as you can. don't worry about how to make it work, Streamline the idea so your ideas are there to work with.

Depending on how machinery inclined you are and your plan is you might need help for the next. Don't be Afraid to ask for help just make sure they know what they are talking aboot.

Now draw lines explaining how the parts will work short hand if you don't have to much room but write it out full and clearly somewhere to refer back to.
Redraw everything in fine detail now. everything, Draw it as if the cover was split to show internals, and do it to scale. Scale will help you so much in the long run. also remember different angles, also for inside as well.
So if you still with me it's time to write the materials. forget money and as to where you would find said object. Assume you can get it until you can't then build it yourself. And take a look at any old toys you have around they are great for computer chips and motors now a days. (I made a voice reconsign system out of a toy computer and a playschool tape recorder.... and I already wrote about the panda spider thing)

all done? beside making it, I mean. Now look at your plan and ask yourself, Will this get me in trouble? How much and from who? Remember plans can be stored and gotten rid of in case of emergency, quickly. Models and prototypes usually can't. So build a scale working model and test it works if you must, but as long as all they find is paper you can claim it's theory and you never tested it.
My Locker in high school was full of theory

I thinks that's all I got to say...

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