Saturday, January 03, 2009

Where to start....

I'm going to start listing things at the bottom of my entrees with things that are troubling, here is an example

*can't tab

Now this may not seem like much of a problem but it's annoying... Not that I use them correctly. Oddly that wasn't meant to be first, so now for the regular boring thoughts....

Beginnings are hard, long winded and boring. They take forever to get through but if you skip them it's hard to know what's going on. Of course if you do take the time to read them, they don't really tell you much sense. all threads come together in the end. I'll try to make sense...

I was born in the summer, moved around a lot. settled in one place for awhile, and as i got comfy moved to where i am now. not comfy...

I think of myself as rude, impulsive, forgetful, clumsy, lazy, pessimistic, imaginative, short(even at 6 foot), pick and choose ethics, messy, literate but not well read, drug-user, red haired, funny looking, lieing, smart ass....

I do have a consences, in fact i got 3. Used to be 4 but one moved out.... but being told 2 things are the right thing to do when i'm thinking of a third..... i'm glad the 4th gone.... but i miss that one also....

I have much interest in music, books, comics, movies, manga, Out doors, puzzles and boardgames.
I fear silence and bordom.... *can't figure out how to add music.....

and now i've been thinking far to much and will be going....

*edit* just hit post and it starts snowing..... grrrrr

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