Wednesday, April 22, 2009


yaa concert!
Whole household is going, except the dog :(
no one would let me bring the dog....
anyways Neil Young, tonight.

Happy Eathday

Monday, April 20, 2009

16 days latter....

and that would make it the 20th of april....

Worked today.
pretty well thinking the entire day, can't wait to get off.
Co-worker sugested faking sick so I'd be home by 4.....
He was even nice enough to help me get injuried.... >.<
anyways work was long and boring....

Almost missed my bus becuase of a customer at the last second. Glued my hand to other hand >.< Thankfuly the bus driver just nodded as i ran chasing the bus, passing the bus, and then geting on at the frist stop. With my Hands glued together, Smoking, But no bus Fair....

Then i got home, and now plan on pretending that every 20 is 4.

I really need to hook up my scaner, so many pictures ....

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Close enough to 11....

So tuesday we get told we shall be haveing a sale wensday... advance copy of the flyer still dosn't have pictures just prices...
Frist day of Sale... understaffed, One boss on till me working the floor and the big boss having to help. Meanwhile no help coming from the far end, They're to busy taking compaints aboot the Fishing Licences. Dam Walmart....

No i'm not working at Walmart but becuase they are bigger and cryied more they get to hand out the old Paper Licences for fishing... Bastards (note to self get warning message...)
Just came up with a plan :-D it will get me arested, yaa plan.

Can't seem to focus well....
Might be the pot
Right, that would do it....

The other day i'm up in the tree in my front yard. tieing branches and tempory braces to it. It's a Big tree, aboot 25 meters to the top (75 feet?). Healthy and still growing. Neibour comes out picks up a stick i had tossed down, Asks me 'when you taking it down?' Pointing with the stick.
I'm a little dumb founded by this. the tree's Heathy. 'We're not'
'O so your having profesanal do it?'
I Really wish my fence went around the yard... I tell Him we're not taking it down.
the Bugger spends 5 min explaining why it would be best.
I'm almost 7 meters high smoking, doing my best to land ash on his head. After he's done i Kindly explain i would like him off my proporty. When he seemed slugish i whisled For Ollie. My Dog.

Ollie isn't big but he was bread for hunting (soposaly)

now the fence is between ollie and the base off the tree,Ollie is no where near the guy. Ollie is looking for me and barking into the tree. I've done this befor to door to door salesmen, They tend to run off befor they realize Ollie can't get them...

About the time i Climbed down. Neibour Bugger called a cop and said i let a dog loose on him.
Cop comes over, asks me what happened. I explain. Whisle Ollie over. and show The offcier why the idea of Ollie leaveing teeth marks is rediculous. Ollie's lower Jaw is about a thrid to a half the size as most dogs his Breed. meaning I let him use my hand as a chew toy, no worries.
Officer puts down his pen and flips back in his note book. and reads me the discribtion for my dog gotten from the neigbour.
Bloody Neigbour couldn't spot Ollie as a Poodle. And Discribed a Bob cat >.<

Unforantly a have many stoires of upseting neigbours, less then you think invole cops :-D
The ones with Cop's are just funnyier.


my store has gone 'Ducky' for a sale.... tune in at 11 pm for more...

*Ducks Away!*