Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Satus update...

alive functioning and normal.....

Bored out of my skull.

Computer solitaire is very addicting. anyone can tell ya that. now toss in Spider Solitaire.

I think i got 4 suits beat. Unfortunately about all the game has in common with solitaire as count, rules are more of a stumble along and figure them out....

I've been working on blue prints. I'm not sure what it is but it looks like it's going to hurt.... I hate it when i built stuff i don't know what it is. *sounding crazy*

So the snow is melting sort of, I'm told it's going to snow tomorrow, but if it dose before next week I'll eat my toque.
The poor Coyotes who dug a Den out of the snow the plows leave had a bit of a shock today. they widened the roads and piled snow to cover the hole. I watched it as i waited for the bus, I wasn't sure if they were in there at first. Look around to see who's walking about.
nosy neighbour and their dog.... I didn't warn them.
It was prefect i wish i could say i had a hand in it....
Their Dog likes to think he's tough, he is the biggest dog on the block. He's sniffing around dragging his owners. Can't quite figure out the smell. As he reached the 'hole' a paw choose to spring out and popped him on nose. Dog starts the other way so suddenly the owners looks just in time to see a Coyote burst out.
They ran screaming wolf..... Coyote and I just laughed as they went.

I bet the Coyote must of been pretty proud to be called a wolf....

In other News on a completely different topic, A New rule has been laid in the house...
'No coyotes as pets.....'

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A waste of time plan

Big piece of paper
and just about any other thing you use to help draw diagrams.
A big table helps

So while I'm at work today, I happen to notice a golden window of slacking off. Due to lunches and where the staff were positioned in the store left me unsupervised. For 4 hours.... Of course I had this figured out befor 9:30am, spent then till 11:30am (window of slack opens) figuring out that there was nothing worth doing that I hadn't pulled off befor... Depressing to say the least. I was doing my job while thinking, despite what some think i can walk and chew gum.... January sucks for retail..... Not even a customer to distract ya from boredom.... and then it's Country music because the boss is out of town.... *shudder*
Now I'm a fan of music in general. I'll give anything a shot, but old country.... really old country... Put on for the sole fact of I might not know it.... is a bur in the saddle
I came up with about 5 ways to knock out the music for half the store...

Right so you got your materials? darn well better.... Now use your thinking caps and think of something from out side the sandbox... and I don't mean the round-about... just try to approach a common thing differently... it can help if you have a bunch of odds and ends around to fiddle and work out the idea, I like to keep an etch-a-skecth, yo-yo and Lego when trying for new ideas.
Now draw the idea as simply as you can. don't worry about how to make it work, Streamline the idea so your ideas are there to work with.

Depending on how machinery inclined you are and your plan is you might need help for the next. Don't be Afraid to ask for help just make sure they know what they are talking aboot.

Now draw lines explaining how the parts will work short hand if you don't have to much room but write it out full and clearly somewhere to refer back to.
Redraw everything in fine detail now. everything, Draw it as if the cover was split to show internals, and do it to scale. Scale will help you so much in the long run. also remember different angles, also for inside as well.
So if you still with me it's time to write the materials. forget money and as to where you would find said object. Assume you can get it until you can't then build it yourself. And take a look at any old toys you have around they are great for computer chips and motors now a days. (I made a voice reconsign system out of a toy computer and a playschool tape recorder.... and I already wrote about the panda spider thing)

all done? beside making it, I mean. Now look at your plan and ask yourself, Will this get me in trouble? How much and from who? Remember plans can be stored and gotten rid of in case of emergency, quickly. Models and prototypes usually can't. So build a scale working model and test it works if you must, but as long as all they find is paper you can claim it's theory and you never tested it.
My Locker in high school was full of theory

I thinks that's all I got to say...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yellow Shelfs

Glass Truck
automated car wash

Why is it more people don't use automatic car washes? high pressure spray with soap! whatever your cleaning most of it can be strapped to the deck of a truck and sent in.... unless it's fabric or otherwise water intolerant....

it's cleaning time at herby's all the shelfs... all of them......

glass trucks are nice becuase they have suport going up a bit, add of a few more suports and then load with shelfs.... about 20 shelfs to a side, mean 40 done in a few min...... ofcourse they won't let me do this, but it's a plan.....

Friday, January 09, 2009

Warm day...

Tiger torch

Simple enough.

Here's where i would like to use it. Yesterday it warmed up so the snow melted and it rained a bit... unfortunately the last third of my drive way is about 3-4 inches thick now that it's dropped below zero....

we did this in scouts. the leaders made a point of telling us not to do it this way. then told us they would be off at Timmy's for an hour.....

aim the torch at the cement and heat it up till the ice holding it melts. just remember safety equipment. it's faster then it sounds. Me and a friend had to do a square area about 30 by 50, took us about an hour....

*tab.... I keep hitting it and it never works......

Thursday, January 08, 2009

In Honor of the date i give you a Bit

Please note i never really did this i just happen to know how to do it.

WD-40 3 cans
1- 4foot 4inch round plastic plumbing
Bag of Yams (as close a fit to your plumbing)
Hot water bottle (old one works better because it has more flex)
4inch hose clamp
Drill, 1/8th bit
Bar-B-Que lighter
Broom handle

This is a quickie, take your hot water bottle and cut a circle big enough to cover one end of the pipe. take your scissors so your stabbing and make a small x in the center. Cover your pipe with the patch and secure in place using the hose clamp.
take a moment and test fit the BBQ lighter. you want a tight fit.
It might be essayer to use a drill press if you have access to one. Clamp your pipe in place and about 12 inches up from the rubber end drill 3 1/8th size holes spaced in a circle around the pipe and a slightly bigger one(maybe quarter inch) at around 6 inch from rubber end and another at 15 inches. the holes at 6 and 15 you will want to use more of your rubber to cover but leave then able to flap open.

i think thats every thing


Shove the yam down the open end useing the broom about half way to 20 inches from bottom then with the flaps open spray in the wd-40 into the 1/8 holes for awhile then close them and spray a little longer. Aim and pull the trigger

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Design plans sorta...

I tend to come up with a lot of plans so i figure that might be best to start there and see how i get distracted....

half a dozen mixed Meccano toys
20 or so small remote control cars (no range, its the motors you want)
Disposable camera
2 laser pointers
30 feet of chandelier wire
small USB port (got this from a MP3 player)
new software (thank you)
Small Strong Spring
fishing reel

3 joints
booze, a lot of booze.....

So the winter solstice 07 I decide to start taking things apart. I had gotten the Panda as a gift at that year X-mas party for work. but didn't have much use for it and after a couple of drinks I found my tools and got to work. The body comes off easy from the panda. Attach the USB port and went for a joint.

Just about the dorky-est guys i know wrote the software for me once i had the thing built but they need pesky details like how many legs and what not to write it. I happened to be able to get my hands on just aboot anything, they couldn't get weed. so i did what i could to get them a dealer they wrote it and re wrote it till it worked right (about 3 weeks)

Strip the panda to just it's chips and rebuild out from there make sure to leave access to USB port... Design out legs and arms or other equipment as you wish. I made mine small as i could kinda spider-ish

Un-wind the chandelier wire (4 wires inside one cable positive negative ground and a twisted steel cable) twist out and take the cable strands and lay them out to the side. depends on number of limbs. Attach motors to operate limbs in a push-me pull-me set up to move. Nice part of Meccano is with all the screw holes mean plenty of places to tie off steal cable strands

I'm not explaining how to attach the camera, if you deserve it you'll know, if not HA!

Now for the spring is rigged to motor taken from the panda, and has a small arrow attached. the whole thing only weights about 2-3 pounds (mine at least) take 4 strands of the cable and braid them together in about a 20-30 foot leangh. attach a motor to the fishing reel. attach one end of cable to reel and one to arrow. If you can get secure enough arrow hit it can get about anywhere...

I'll tell you how it went boom another day ....

*11:25 pm I discovered that i can follow myself..... would that mean i'm going in circles?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I have a plan.....

Rubber chew toy
Meat saw
Large thick wood table
4 pieces of rope 3 feet long
2 pieces of rope 12 feet long
Blind fold is optional

Now many of you might have guessed this plan and are wondering where I'm going with this. Trust me I has my reasons.....

It Snowed today, it snowed a lot..... At my job, I'm the guy who dose most of heavy lifting, carry outs (75 pound bags of potato.... I'm glad we are out of those). I'm not a fit person, but I'm the strongest at my job I think. So with it snowing I had to shovel. spent a good chunk of the day shoveling. 5 feet by 35 feet rectangle, leading from the door to the sidewalk. every ten to twenty min of shoveling the side walk i had to redo that spot due to it is our main entrance and it just won't be fit to leave a centimeter of snow there.... it snowed at that rate most of the day....

When I was around ten I broke my right arm. They set it at a hospital but a bully at school yanked it out of place so it healed slightly off straight, about a quarter of an inch. The idea of re-breaking my arm earned my doctor a very dark look. It doesn't bother me that much. The break is right by the shoulder joint, so I just bearly can't rotate my arm as much. Big deal. Tends to hurt after prolong use, I work on being both handed.

Well I'm still dominate right and with all this snow my arm hurt a lot. Proud to say I got the job done, not greatly but done. I'll have more tomorrow but hopefully it doesn't just keep snowing. But I came up with a plan...


strong enough swing and the no arm means no shoveling *wink* I'm not trying to get out of shoveling at work, i can take that, What's really starting to kill is the shoveling at home.......

there's been talk of shoveling the roof...

Monday, January 05, 2009

way too much thinking.....

I spend most my time reading. On the bus, on my breaks at work and then on the bus home. I try to get in as much reading as I can in a day. of course I'm also at the same time trying to listen to any music I can shove on my mp3. I'm thinking of getting a bigger mp3, but nothing out there is simple. to many buttons. Play/Pause, Stop/Off, Random, skip song, go back and one to set it to the kind played. That's 6. Nice and simple, no hassle. stupid buttons....

I went to replace my boom box a couple weeks ago, and every where you look they have the same slot, for an Ipod. *has no kick Steve jobs button* I don't do Mac. I'm not that much of computer person, but i don't like mac... call it instinct...

*dramatic Pause*

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Where to start....

I'm going to start listing things at the bottom of my entrees with things that are troubling, here is an example

*can't tab

Now this may not seem like much of a problem but it's annoying... Not that I use them correctly. Oddly that wasn't meant to be first, so now for the regular boring thoughts....

Beginnings are hard, long winded and boring. They take forever to get through but if you skip them it's hard to know what's going on. Of course if you do take the time to read them, they don't really tell you much sense. all threads come together in the end. I'll try to make sense...

I was born in the summer, moved around a lot. settled in one place for awhile, and as i got comfy moved to where i am now. not comfy...

I think of myself as rude, impulsive, forgetful, clumsy, lazy, pessimistic, imaginative, short(even at 6 foot), pick and choose ethics, messy, literate but not well read, drug-user, red haired, funny looking, lieing, smart ass....

I do have a consences, in fact i got 3. Used to be 4 but one moved out.... but being told 2 things are the right thing to do when i'm thinking of a third..... i'm glad the 4th gone.... but i miss that one also....

I have much interest in music, books, comics, movies, manga, Out doors, puzzles and boardgames.
I fear silence and bordom.... *can't figure out how to add music.....

and now i've been thinking far to much and will be going....

*edit* just hit post and it starts snowing..... grrrrr

Friday, January 02, 2009


So I'm back.....

10 min cracking my old account, and a friends account, then my old e-mail.....

I miss Journal space *offers own heart to site*

But i will admit it's a lot easier to delete and start fresh here....

I deleted about 272 old post dating from youngin Mikey to older youngin Mikey.....

of course i did read most of it first..... some tricks i forgot i pulled

I'll be expanding on this later


No one i used to know on here is still around
of course that was 5 years ago..... and i kinda convinced some to follow me to the other....

But I'm back now for better worse......

Can't Figure out a bloody thing in this new stuff.... stupid technogy.....